A trigger point is a focused area in a muscle that remains constantly contracted regardless of movement. Clients often describe this as a “knot.” They are quite painful and refer pain to other predictable parts of the body. Often a client will complain of a pain in their forehead or perhaps their elbow that is really being caused be a trigger point somewhere else in the body.
Difference Between a Knot and a Trigger Point
All trigger points are knots, but not all knots are trigger points.
A true trigger point is caused by a lack of an energy molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This is usually due to the result of ischemia, a lack of blood supply to the muscle. This can be the result of an injury or overuse.
A “knot” is usually the result of an adhesion. Pain is contained to the area surrounding the knot.
Knots can frequently be treated by simply drinking more water and gentle stretching.
Trigger points form in common, predictable locations and “refer” pain to other areas of the body in predictable ways.
For example, a common spot in the gluteus minimus refers pain down either the side of the leg or down the back of the leg mimicking sciatica.

Massage Therapy Intervention
For several decades sustained forceful, painful pressure was believed to be the best treatment to release a trigger point. However, as more research has been done, it was discovered that causing further blood loss to the muscle could continue the cycle of trigger point development.
The accepted treatment now consists of 30-60 gentle deep strokes per minute to increase circulation and break the ischemic cycle.
I have extensive knowledge of the location of most common trigger points and their pain referral patterns. During your massage therapy session, I am constantly assessing your musculature and identifying and treating any potential trigger points that you may have.
Aaron Harris, BCTMB
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